Shopping in the Metroplex
Local Thrift Stores and Goodwill Stores Certain local strip malls
Thrift stores are a great resource for obtaining, at reasonable prices, older fashions as well eclectic unusual clothing items that have been donated or placed for sale on a
consignment basis. Newer fashions are also generally obtainable at these stores. It can be a lot of fun rummaging through thrift store items and finding the hidden treasures in
the right size lurking there.
Ashley Stuarts (formerly Stuarts) - Certain malls
This place is great. Fashions are current, kind of young at heart. Sizes range from junior stuff to Women's sizes. I like this place because their "Resource" line handles those
large sizes 18 to 24 in really becoming looks. They even have large "resource" jewelry, large bracelets, necklaces and such. They almost always have some nice "clip-on" earrings
for those of us without pierced ears. Prices seem to start out reasonable, but after a little time they fall dramatically. The range from $50 to $60 for a nice outfit to $19 for a
spandex dress to $9 for a tee shirt.
Avon - Online or in person
ROSS - Usually around strip shopping centers
This place is super for girls on a budget. Fashions seem to hang around until sold. Sizes range from junior stuff to Women's sizes (I don't know if I trust this place, they even
have men's clothes there). They have large sizes 18 to 24 that aren't bad. The prices are the best. I have found nice dresses for as low as $12 to as high as $30. I have bought
dresses there that I saw at Mervyns at 3 times the price. You have to watch to get the latest goodies. Not a bad place for beginners or that ever popular starter kit.
Payless Shoes - Usually around strip shopping centers
Located on the Northeast corner of the Northlake Shopping Center (intersection of E. Northwest Highway and Ferndale/Easton,) Larger Than Life specializes in consignment of women's
clothing sizes 12 and up, exclusively. Everyone there
is very TG friendly.
Phone 214.342.8550
Hours 10 to 6 Monday - Saturday
'Til 8 on Thursdays
12 to 4 Sundays
Off-Price Shoes - Several locations: Wynnewood Village
All shoes $9.99. If you are size 11 or less, plenty of selection. There are also some good styles in sizes 12 and 13 (albeit fewer in number). The sales ladies there are very TG
friendly. Ask for Edna, Canandra or Wendy (Wynnewood location.)
Village Tall Shop - Promenade Center, Richardson
One of few places you can find blouses with 36" sleeves, or trousers (if that's what you like to wear :), with 36" inseam. Ask for Sharai -- she's TG friendly, and invites you to
try on merchandise, if it isn't busy.
Largesse - 5312 Beltline Rd., Dallas
Plus Sized, upscale clothing store with a section of great deals on discontinued items.
Owner: Roberta Bito
Victoria's Secret - Certain malls
We all love this place. They are a little pricy but you really shouldn't scrimp on your undies. The gals that work there will try to up-sell you for more goodies for your "wife".
They are used to guys buying stuff there and will not give you a second glance if you have an arm load of bras. (what? of course you'll need matching panties). Keep an eye open,
they have good sales and are a great place for spandex control slips or body briefers (lets try to get the best curves we can!). They also seem to have larger sizes you won't find
in the catalog.
Shopping Links
Payless Shoes Auditions Shoes Shoe Express
The Breast Form Store

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