Favorite Restaurants in the Metroplex
When dining out in public, it is a good idea to try and
dress age appropriate. You will find that most of the better restaurants
are tolerant if you act like a lady and show proper respect to the patrons
present. A couple of girls will most likely go unnoticed as opposed to
larger groups. Bubba type bars are best avoided while dressed. Remember,
establishments can change their customer types occasionally. If you are
uncertain or haven't been to a place in a while, try scoping it out in
your bubba gear.
By the way, for you newbies, most of these places, listed
below, are geared more towards the gay crowd. The ones listed cater to
the drag queens and cross dressers as well as main stream gay folks. It
is an interesting experience to mingle with one of the other girls in
places like these. We have always got compliments from at least one person
there. I'm sure they are probably a cross-dresser at heart and wish they
were in your shoes (and hose and dress too...).
Dallas Restaurants
Black-Eyed Pea - 3857
Cedar Springs -Dallas - (214) 521-4580
This Black-Eyed Pea is alleged to be the first built
of the restaurant chain in this area. It offers a pleasant, rustic
atmosphere and a gender friendly environment. The menu offers the general
run of the mill fare found in this chain though somewhat more pricy
than found in other Black-Eyed Pea restaurants.
Havana -4006
Cedar Springs - (214) 526-9494
Monica's Aca Y Alla - 2914
Main Street - Deep Elum - (214) 748-7140
The Bronx II - 3835
Cedar Springs - (214) 521-5821
Cafe Brazil - 3847
Cedar Springs - (214) 461-8762
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