Carol's Corner



        by Carol

Or, how can boys not be girls in a transgendering environment ?

         Over the past century, the feminization of humanity has been hormonal, environmental and psychological. For example, in hormonal, so many women are peeing birth control-containing urine into our sewer systems that purified effluent wastewater placed directly into an aquarium with boy fish has been shown to change their gender into girl fish. Literally every pesticide taken off of the market, which have left behind heavy residuals in agricultural soil, such as DDT, Chlordane, Heptachlor and Lindane, have estrogen mimicking effects and effect male fertility.

         Comparative studies in Denmark have shown that sperm counts have fallen 50% on the average among males of the same age being compared with those 50 years earlier. Just recently in the pharmacologic journal, Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, cigarette smoking was found to have a “stimulatory effect of the 15 alpha hydroxylation of estradiol by the human term placenta”. How many of your mothers were smokers or lived with smoking spouses or worked in smoky environments? Another study in Science demonstrated that smoking anesthetizes the vomeronasal organ in the nose which sex discrimination in social behaviors from pheromonal clues.

        Similar effects of feminization occur from drugs of abuse, particularly marijuana, where gynecomastia (enlargement of male breast tissue) is commonly seen in heavy male marijuana smokers, along with lower testosterone and higher estrogen levels. The use of the now outlawed soil fumigant called DBCP (dibromochloropropane) caused male infertility in those more heavily exposed and increased the proportion of girls to boys born to 2 to 1 compared to 100 to 105 normally. Foods also have estrogenic effects, such a yams, where yam extracts are used as components in manufacturing birth control pill hormones; and, medicines, such as digitalis, spironolactone, dyrenium, tetracyclines and others have secondary estrogenic effects if taken long term Ingestion of these as well as certain herbals by nursing mothers passes on these effects to male nursing infants; and, even if infants are bottle-fed, the cattle herd producing the formula milk is grazing on grass-containing estrogenic pesticides and eating grain containing low levels of estrogen mimicking antibiotics.

        Psychologically, we now have role models with Title IX of women in sports including 6 foot plus basketball players and 200 pound plus shotputters. Xena, the warrior princess on TV, and her sidekick, Gabriel, were popular for 12 years and are now into reruns. Women are flying fighter planes, being astronauts; and, in Dallas we even have the “Women’s Museum” in Fair Park offering wonderful role models for young girls to come in for mentorship. Where is the “Men’s Museum”? Are men burning their jock straps to be liberated when women were burning their bras? No!!! Face it...those XY chromosomes swimming in the en femme soup may encounter confusion when looking in the mirror...rather than drowning, we’re finding it’s time to adapt those chromosomes in this feminine minestrone with a little culinary expertise.

Hugs girls,

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