The Metroplex CD club is a non profit social and educational organization. Founded to foster friendship, insight, knowledge, help
and understanding within the Transgender Community. The MCD Club welcomes the crossdresser, the transgendered person and the transsexual without regard to sexual
orientation. Significant Others and visitors are welcome. All members agree to abide by the procedures and standards of conduct set forth in MCDC’s bylaws. F or
membership information, contact us by E-Mail, Telephone, or snail mail.
Mailing Address:
Metroplex CD Club
P.O. Box 190869
Dallas, TX 75219
Vice President
E-Mail Correspondent
WEB Mistress
Refreshment Coordinator
The Rose is a monthly publication of the Metroplex CD Club. Opinions expressed in this newsletter are those of the authors and do
not represent the opinion of the MCD Club. The Rose will publish all articles submitted by MCDC members, limited only by space. The editorial staff will publish articles
and comments unedited except for grammar, spelling and/or space. The staff retains the right to remove unsuitable language, personal names and deny publication of
offensive material. Original articles published in this newsletter may be reproduced in similar publications provided the entire article is reproduced and appropriate
credit is given to both the author and The Rose.
Past President's Column
Editors Column
Member Contributions
